Kansas City Summer Camp Directory 2019

A combination of bad weather, many days off of school and an exceptionally busy winter have me way behind on summer camp planning. I finally started working on it today, only to discover that the video-game making camp my son really wanted to attend filled up weeks ago. Result: my son is now on a wait list. Fortunately, I easily found a backup video game maker camp to send him to from our Science & Nature Camps listings. Disaster averted.
So, if like me, you haven’t had the time or energy to dedicate to Summer Camp planning yet, never fear!
There’s still time, and KC Kids Fun has the resources to help you create a fantastic summer for your kids, and a stress-free summer for you. We have tons of listings across the KC Metro area, broken out by area so you can find camps that are convenient for you.
I suggest you start with our Summer Camps Listing for a general taste of what’s available in KC, or, if you know what your kiddos want in a camp, find the camp topics that best match their likes. Happy planning!
- General Day Camps
- Overnight Camps
- Sports Camps
- Science & Nature Camps
- Art Camps
- Performing Arts Camps
- Special Needs Camps
Note to camps: If you operate a Kansas City area day or overnight camp which is not listed here in our camp listings, submit your information as an activity or contact us directly to learn more about our basic and sponsored listings.
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