Fall into Fun in KC

As a parent, autumn is my favorite season – there are so many things to do and ways to create those magical family memories. You can keep it simple: roasting marshmallows around the fire pit with neighbors, taking a nature walk at a nearby park, or simply getting out the sidewalk chalk or a ball and soaking up some sunshine.
You can also get out and explore KC with these ideas:
- Pumpkin Patches: One of the best things about living in Kansas City is easy access to so many U-pick pumpkin patches. Most of them include a wagon or hay ride, and many offer additional fun in the form of petting zoos, hay bale slides, corn mazes and tons of other ideas that you would never have come up with on your own.
- Pick Apples: Another great way to enjoy the fall weather is orchard picking at one of KC’s area U-pick orchards. Be sure to check the picking reports, then prepare for a fun day out at the farm. This time of year, many area orchards also have pumpkins available for picking or purchase, if you’re looking for a 2-for-1 option. Many orchards also offer hayrides, farm animals on view, and other farm-style fun, including fresh pressed cider to enjoy after all the hard work of picking.
- Explore Nature: Giant spider webs sparkling in the sun, leaves changing colors, skipping stones on a pond, or animals eating in the woods – nature abounds with interesting educational moments for all ages. KC-area Nature Centers offer tons of educational sessions, as well as outdoor areas for hands-on exploration. Don’t forget about the Kansas City Zoo and Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead, which also have a variety of fall-themed activities.
- Step Back in Time: My son’s favorite time each fall is our visit to the Renaissance Festival, and with just a couple more weekends left on their schedule, there’s no time like the present to enjoy sword fights, storytelling, games and so much more.
- Visit a Park: It’s the perfect time of year to visit a new park, or your favorite – not too hot, not too buggy. Check out your neighborhood park, or explore a new one on our Parks & Playgrounds list!
Make the most of fall in KC!
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