Back to School Shopping

In our house, we hold off on getting pants and long sleeved shirts until the weather actually gets cooler.
The reason? Growth spurts.
When my kids were really young, I learned the hard way about buying things ahead of time. I traipsed out in the hot hot summer months, buying adorable clothes that – by the time cooler weather prevailed – were woefully short by the time I actually put them on the kids.
In my effort to avoid high water pants and too-short sleeves, I’ve learned to wait. I’ve also learned how to save a buck on clothes I know won’t fit the kids in 6 months. Fortunately, the KC Metro area is full of kids consignment sales.
Whether it’s clothes, toys, books, furniture or accessories for the kids, consignment shopping is a great way to save. Plus, there’s the added benefit of cleaning out the house (and making some money) by selling your gently used clothes, toys and furniture. Happy shopping!
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