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Give Back this MLK Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is always a great time to get out there and serve our community. Finding kid-friendly service projects can be difficult though, due to age restrictions. Here are some ways the whole family can celebrate in KC:

Or, help others throughout the year with these ideas:

  • KindCraft KC offers monthly service project events for participants of all ages.
  • ScrapsKC has tons of kid-friendly offerings with a cause: to help care for KC’s environment, education and the homeless.
  • Plant a seed that will nourish many in our community by volunteering with the Kansas City Community Gardens. They even have a Beanstalk Children’s Garden where kids can see, smell, touch and taste growing plants!
  • The Kansas City Zoo: Adopt a Wild Child at the Zoo is a fun way to get the kids involved with supporting our community. Select your favorite animal to support, and receive an adoption certificate plus other information about your fave animal from the zoo!
  • Clean out the house: Sort through your children’s outgrown clothing, toys or books with them at your side. Then donate the gently used items to SafehomeRose Brooks Center, or another family shelter of your choice. This is a win-win for all: tidied house, and you helped someone in need.
  • Connect with your congregation: There’s a good chance that your church, synagogue, mosque (or any other house of worship) has a family-friendly community service activity happening each month. One of our favorites: Making PB&J sandwiches for Micah Ministry!

We’d love to hear what you do on MLK, Jr. Day. Share in the comments below, or with KC Kids Fun on FacebookTwitter or Instagram!

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