Spring Activities for Family Fun

Every spring, my kids remind me of the simple wonders of being a child. So my inner child always comes out this time of year, and I focus on getting back to basics when it comes to spending time together.
Here’s a list of ideas we’ve developed over the years as a family:
Turn walking into an adventure by re-naming it and adding a little fun!
- Geocaching: For a nominal fee each month, every walk, car ride or visit to the park can become a true adventure. Make sure to have a bag of little treats to leave behind in the treasure boxes!
- We call it a rainbow walk, but it’s really just getting out our boots and umbrellas and walking in the rain. Who cares if you’re getting wet when there’s the possibility of finding a rainbow?
- Nature scavenger hunt: Make a picture or written list of items to find during your walk. Better yet, let your kids create the list for everyone! They’ll love finding 3 leaves or spotting 2 squirrels so much that they’ll never know they are learning the whole time.
- Creek exploration: Enjoy one of many KC-area parks with creekside paths, or find a neighborhood creek to run, splash and play!
Need help getting started? Pick a guided nature walk at a local nature center. We like Lakeside Nature Center’s Hike with a Naturalist, and guided walks at Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center.
Find some wheels to keep your adventures moving.
- Get out the roller skates, bikes, scooters or skateboards and have some fun. You can also check out my son’s new fave, the Y-Bike.
- Rainy day alternative: visit a local skating rink for some indoor skate time.
…or just plain Goofing Around
This is a great way to clear out the garage. Find the toys/leftover chalk and bubbles/pool toys/etc in the garage and come up with your own fun:
- Fly a kite
- Play hula hoop games
- Have fun with pool noodles, or
- Play one of these easy games with bubbles
Other simple games like frisbee, croquet, tag, chalk art contests and silly races are big hits – all you need is a little free time to uncover what your family loves. Enjoy the spring weather!
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