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Heritage Preschool

Heritage Preschool

Part-day Preschool at Heritage United Methodist Church for children ages 2 1/2 -5. Children learn best by participating and being actively involved in their environment. Our teachers guide and stimulate children's natural curiosity and initiative through space and materials which enable them to play, work, discuss, listen, think and create. Since social and emotional intelligence is the foundation for all cognitive learning, at Heritage Preschool, all staff implement the practice of Conscious Discipline (R). A brain based program that teaches self-regulation by providing safety, connection and practicing problem-solving skills. Low student-teacher ratios. Classes offerings include Kid's Day Out, 3-year-old classes, 4-year-old classes, and Pre-K. For more information, contact Cathy Lancelotta at (913) 897-5516 or email:

(913) 897-5516

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12850 Quivira Road, Overland Park, Kansas 66213

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